My research aims to tackle global environmental issues through the Earth-Science and Geophysical approaches. The main interest of my research is the dynamics of material transport on the surface of our planet (e.g., sediment, nutrients, and pollutants like microplastic), especially the one from shallow to deep marine systems.

A better understanding of material transport dynamics in such environments directly benefits us in terms of a better understanding of the impacts of anthropological activities on the global ecosystem and risk management of marine infrastructures.

I am working on my research by a wide variety of approaches to address the research aims, such as field surveys, laboratory-scale experiments, and numerical simulations, using cutting-edge technologies.


Journal Articles (Peer-reviewed)

  • Fukuda S., Naruse H. (2020) Shape difference of mud clasts depending on depositional facies: application of newly modified elliptic Fourier analysis to hybrid event beds, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 90(10), pp. 1410–1435, doi:10.2110/jsr.2020.67
  • Gugliotta M., Saito Y., Nguyen V. L., Ta T. K. O., Tamura T., Fukuda S. (2018) Tide- and River-Generated Mud Pebbles from the Fluvial To Marine Transition Zone of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88(9), pp. 981–990, doi:10.2110/jsr.2018.54

Preprints (In reviewing process)
  • Fukuda S., de Vet M., Skevington E., Bastianon E., Fernandez R., Wu X., McCaffrey W. D., Naruse H., Parsons D., Dorrell R. M. (Preprint) Inadequacy of treating turbidity currents as river analogues and implications for autosuspension criterion, Research Square, doi:10.21203/
Others (Non peer-reviewed)

  • Fukuda S. (2021) Report on the Sedimentology School 2020 by the Sedimentological Society of Japan: Basics of petroleum geology and sedimentological interpretation of subsurface dataset (in Japanese), Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan, 79(2), pp. 113-119 doi:10.4096/jssj.79.113


  • Fukuda S., de Vet M., Skevington E., Bastianon E., Fernandez R., Wu X., McCaffrey W. D., Naruse H., Parsons D., Dorrell R. M.; Turbidity currents are not rivers, and the implication for autosuspension , Sep 2022, Particulate Gravity Currents in the Envirionment 2022, Oral presentation
  • Fukuda S., Bastianon E., McCaffrey W. D., Naruse H., Dorrell R. M.; A new empirical model of vertical profile of velocity and suspended sediment concentration of steady-state turbidity currents, June 2021, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, HCG21-02, Online
  • Fukuda S., Bastianon E., McCaffrey W. D., Dorrell R. M.; New Sediment-Transport Experiments show Turbidity Currents and OpenChannel Flow are Fundamentally different, June 2020, 6th IAHR Europe Congress, CS1, Warsaw, Poland (Online)
  • Fukuda S., Bastianon E., McCaffrey W. D., Naruse H., Dorrell R. M.; Statistical Analyses of Vertical Flow Profile show Turbidity Currents and Open-Channel Flow are Fundamentally Different, May 2020, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, HCG25-08, Online
  • Fukuda S., Bastianon E., McCaffrey W. D., Dorrell R. M.; Flow Power of Turbidity Currents and Fluvial Rivers, December 2019, British Sedimentological Research Group 58th Annual General Meeting, P6, Royal Holloway University, Egham, UK.
  • Fukuda S., Naruse H.; Shape analysis of mud clasts in turbidites and hybrid event beds: application of elliptic Fourier analysis with PCA to sedimentary rocks in the Pleistocene Otadai Formation, Japan, December 2018, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, OS13C-1500, Walter E Washington Convention Center, Washington D. C., US.
  • Naruse H., Fukuda S.; Inverse modeling of turbidity currents by artificial neural network: application to ancient turbidites in the Otadai Formation, Boso Peninsula, Japan, December 2018, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, OS12A-06, Walter E Washington Convention Center, Washington D. C., US.
  • Fukuda S., Naruse H.; Marcello Gugliotta Origin and abrasion process of mud clasts in turbidity currents, May 2018, 2018 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, HCG23-P02. Makuhari Messe Chiba, Japan.
  • Fukuda S., Naruse H.; The origin and abrasion process of mud clasts in turbidites, March 2018, 2018 Western Pacific Sedimentology Meeting, S5-P07. Chonnam National University GwangJu, Korea.